The Romance Backlist is a blog focused on genre Romance and fiction with strong romantic elements (Happily Ever After [HEA] or Happy For Now [HFN] endings are mandatory).
I don’t review new releases or ARC’s/Galleys, and I’m not accepting review requests at the moment even if it’s a backlist title. I really wish I could take requests, but in order to make this blog successful and manageable, I can’t take on the added pressure. I’m always happy to hear about new-to-me books, so recommendations are welcome and encouraged.
Unless otherwise stated, all the books featured here were either purchased by me or borrowed from the library/friends.
I aim for this blog to reflect reality and be as inclusive as possible.
I'm not part of any affiliates program, so if I link to an online store, I'm not being compensated for it. If at any point I receive a compensation through any link provided in a post, a disclosure will be included.
The Romance Backlist doesn't run advertisement and I'm not affiliated to the publishing industry, but I used to write for Heroes & Heartbreakers (RIP), an industry publication owned by Macmillan.
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